Friday, September 19, 2008

A Miserable Week (T.T)

dunno what to write..

actually i dun like to write those unhappy thing in blogs.. coz i think i want to keep good memory only in blogs.. so that when i feel upset i can recall the sweet memory to cheer me up..

i plan to write on something bout mooncake festival celebration last saturday,but i havent get the pictures yet.. so i'm still waiting so that i can write a full "report" on it.. For me, it was quite fun having those kind of actiities with friends.. its good to keep all the happy things in mind.. haha^^

But recently so many things happen to me make me so stress!!

first, its about study things.. i dun study much coz need settle so much things.. this few days the schedule was so full.. tuesday is totally miserable.. got class till 5 something, directly go ktsn for inteviewing new emcee.. waste the whole day, same goes wif wednesday.. again interview.. i think this is because i need go hukm that day, so unable to manage my time coz need sacrifice my time for PAP.. but this module really packed, coz 16 lectures in 3 weeks (same amount as respi module but its in 4 weeks).. the lectures r quite tough, i really scared i cant finish this module, i not even start my lectures n i go for anatomy class n practical unprepared.. so disppointed with myself..

may be i hav been too sensitive, i found that my relationship wif some frens had became worse.. i always busy with my things, some time i dun talk even a word to them the whole day.. recently, i found i cant get involve in their conversation, like i'm from different world.. Am i still 1 part of them?? i wonder.. isit the problem come from me myself??

everything i done meet with obstacles, make me feel so useless.. like this morning plan to wakup at 5.30 am to finish my pbl.. but unfortunately i woke up at 7.40am!! i was late.. after a simple bath n eating a piece of bread as breakfast, i rush along the way to campus without finishing my pbl!! not even read though it.. (initially plan to read lecture notes to enhance my understanding on that topic, plus i got many lectures to study) may be this week is just not my week.. i guess..

I feel like i want close myself in my room, being isolated from this world coz i dun wanna to be upset again.. but do i need to pass this weekend just in room?? i cant get a good answer for that.. i just hope i can recover soon n everything will be alright..

c u again in next blog!! ^^ just drop by here to express my feeling coz i dunno who can i express to.. can some one be my listener?? (=.=)"

k la, be tough yae teck chee!!! u can do it!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008



还记得当时9月1日,当时大家刚从家乡回来,大约晚上九点半,正想写隔天要交的Reflective Writing 时,突然被房外传来喧闹的声音打断了我的思绪,转头一望,发现一大群人捧着三粒蛋糕进来。这果然把我吓了一跳。这真是意外的惊喜咯~~

当然除了老早就准备好的蛋糕,还有少不了的是他们送 的礼物,还蛮特别的。。有点感动,因为这是我人生当中最多朋友一起为我庆祝的生日会。(因为我鲜少举办生日会,因为通常都是简简单单的跟几个死党或家人庆祝咯。。)既然人都那么多了,也不忘来个大合照。再加上最近《家好月圆》成了大家的热门话题,我们也不落人后,来个《塘心风暴》似的合照,嘻嘻~~





*P/S:想知道我的生日是如何度过或是想知道我收到了些什么各式各样奇奇怪怪的礼物(包括XL Size 的衣服,很大串的裤链,月饼等等,奇怪吧?哈哈)就到我的Friendster里的照片望一望吧!