Tuesday, October 7, 2008


no time to write blogs..
sorry if let anyone of u to be disappointed..
really busy... try to conpensate so that i got extra time.. but i dun think it ll be so soon.. haha..
hope i can write more n more blogs in the future

Friday, September 19, 2008

A Miserable Week (T.T)

dunno what to write..

actually i dun like to write those unhappy thing in blogs.. coz i think i want to keep good memory only in blogs.. so that when i feel upset i can recall the sweet memory to cheer me up..

i plan to write on something bout mooncake festival celebration last saturday,but i havent get the pictures yet.. so i'm still waiting so that i can write a full "report" on it.. For me, it was quite fun having those kind of actiities with friends.. its good to keep all the happy things in mind.. haha^^

But recently so many things happen to me make me so stress!!

first, its about study things.. i dun study much coz need settle so much things.. this few days the schedule was so full.. tuesday is totally miserable.. got class till 5 something, directly go ktsn for inteviewing new emcee.. waste the whole day, same goes wif wednesday.. again interview.. i think this is because i need go hukm that day, so unable to manage my time coz need sacrifice my time for PAP.. but this module really packed, coz 16 lectures in 3 weeks (same amount as respi module but its in 4 weeks).. the lectures r quite tough, i really scared i cant finish this module, i not even start my lectures n i go for anatomy class n practical unprepared.. so disppointed with myself..

may be i hav been too sensitive, i found that my relationship wif some frens had became worse.. i always busy with my things, some time i dun talk even a word to them the whole day.. recently, i found i cant get involve in their conversation, like i'm from different world.. Am i still 1 part of them?? i wonder.. isit the problem come from me myself??

everything i done meet with obstacles, make me feel so useless.. like this morning plan to wakup at 5.30 am to finish my pbl.. but unfortunately i woke up at 7.40am!! i was late.. after a simple bath n eating a piece of bread as breakfast, i rush along the way to campus without finishing my pbl!! not even read though it.. (initially plan to read lecture notes to enhance my understanding on that topic, plus i got many lectures to study) may be this week is just not my week.. i guess..

I feel like i want close myself in my room, being isolated from this world coz i dun wanna to be upset again.. but do i need to pass this weekend just in room?? i cant get a good answer for that.. i just hope i can recover soon n everything will be alright..

c u again in next blog!! ^^ just drop by here to express my feeling coz i dunno who can i express to.. can some one be my listener?? (=.=)"

k la, be tough yae teck chee!!! u can do it!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008



还记得当时9月1日,当时大家刚从家乡回来,大约晚上九点半,正想写隔天要交的Reflective Writing 时,突然被房外传来喧闹的声音打断了我的思绪,转头一望,发现一大群人捧着三粒蛋糕进来。这果然把我吓了一跳。这真是意外的惊喜咯~~

当然除了老早就准备好的蛋糕,还有少不了的是他们送 的礼物,还蛮特别的。。有点感动,因为这是我人生当中最多朋友一起为我庆祝的生日会。(因为我鲜少举办生日会,因为通常都是简简单单的跟几个死党或家人庆祝咯。。)既然人都那么多了,也不忘来个大合照。再加上最近《家好月圆》成了大家的热门话题,我们也不落人后,来个《塘心风暴》似的合照,嘻嘻~~





*P/S:想知道我的生日是如何度过或是想知道我收到了些什么各式各样奇奇怪怪的礼物(包括XL Size 的衣服,很大串的裤链,月饼等等,奇怪吧?哈哈)就到我的Friendster里的照片望一望吧!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Everbody's Birthday..

Recently, many of my friends celebrate birthday.. some already celebrated it, some r coming very soon... Everybody was so busy in preparing how to give them a special celebration.. but for sure most of them was 'played' thoroughly.. kaka.. Being cheated like april fools.. but the most crucial thing is all of us are having fun.. XD

Dunno its because of the coming wednesday, i had few miserable days.. isit we need to taste some 'bitter' before we get our 'sweet'?? haha, i also dunno.. may be this few days are not my lucky days.. i faced problems and obstrucles when i wanna do some things.. but i still manage everything, guess all of them are still not out of my control..

Haiz, when i think of ZT class next wednesday, feel so lazy to attend the class.. last week no lecturer came, even when he comes, the class will sure be very bored ang meaningless... i wish i can ponteng the class with 3 of my buddies, may be we can just gather n having lunch (perhaps a piece of cake) at somewhere.. even its just a simple gathering bt it ll sure satisfy me.. For me its enough d, coz i wish to hav a simple celebration this year.. its more than enough.. But i think it will be just a dream coz they will be having their formative assessment the coming friday.. no time to spend with me.. (T-T)

Going back home soon in the evening.. Dunno what to do at home leh?? i began to prefer study than holidays.. sometimes i dunno what to do during holidays.. hopefully i can find out some interesting activities to do at home, haha... ok la, time to say byebye again.. see u in my next blog!!=) happy merdeka!!!


You are The Magician

Skill, wisdom, adaptation. Craft, cunning, depending on dignity.

Eleoquent and charismatic both verbally and in writing,
you are clever, witty, inventive and persuasive.

The Magician is the male power of creation, creation by willpower and desire. In that ancient sense, it is the ability to make things so just by speaking them aloud. Reflecting this is the fact that the Magician is represented by Mercury. He represents the gift of tongues, a smooth talker, a salesman. Also clever with the slight of hand and a medicine man - either a real doctor or someone trying to sell you snake oil.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Finally I Can Online, Haha..

Wow, so excited i finally can online... haha..
Starting from last week i cant online because my housemate din pay the streamyx bill lo.. Line being cut for few days.. Cy said must write blogs 2day to celebrate, i guess he was right.. i also long time didn't update my blog d..
Dis few days a lot of things happen to me... Quarrel with people, being misunderstood, being locked in the campus for twice last week after walking back from library in the evening.. These were really sour and bitter of my life.. but i still walked through it toughly even everythings seem like not going smoothly.. I know i need to be strong!!!
Somethings happen during warisan mesra last saturday but generally it was quite fun la... BBQ was terribly bad, coz i only eat a piece of chicken for 15 ringgits.. Haha... really not worth.. but can meet senior buddy n gather with friends, joing treasure hunt not bad also..
haiz, today i went to hukm for mork osce... i did so bad i think.. Doctor said i did quite ok in physical examination but i dun finish my history taking in time... i reached the station too late n the doctor asked me to read question carefully n slowly.. i didn't know that the four minutes had started d... when i realised it, i rushed to finish the whole history taking but unsuccessful.. so sad=(
By the way, tell u guys what i had done wrongly in the mork osce.. This is to remind me also so i dun repeat them again next time.. Haha... The unforgivable mistake is i stood at the patient's left hand side.. it should be at the right hand site... N then i forget to ask the patient's name n his age before i started my history taking.. How can i did that?? so disappointed.. i guess i'm too nervous when i realised i had run out of time, haha.. Luckily i did quite good in Physical Examination(PE) i guess.. i managed to do PE n explain at the same time for as much as i can do in just 4 minutes.. Overall, i still need alot of improvement... i should take this as a lesson n do better next time... gambateh!!! =)

Monday, August 4, 2008


哈哈,终于正式的承认自己的巴帝了! 很多人都说这是我期待已久的大喜日子。。 虽然并没有他们说的那么夸张,但的确无可否认,我还蛮期待这天的到来,因为终于可以亲口承认谁是我的巴帝了。 我的巴帝有三位,包括一大早就被人认为是我的巴帝的HJ。不过很可笑的是演技派的他竟然给我骗到说我不是他巴帝也相信,不知应该是可笑还是可悲。。不过他脸皮还蛮厚的,还说一到早就知道是我的阴谋, 只是陪我玩玩罢了。还真臭美!哈哈~~在这里我还是想盛重地向他道歉,因为让他的心情起伏不定。185和172的距离有见过吗?就发生在我和他身上,有时还真希望他能“捐”5cm给我,该多好啊? 至于第二位便是YL了,她也是一位和很爱玩很可爱的女生啦!我不知要怎么形容她,她就是一位彬彬有礼,很爱打扮的女生,说话时总是笑脸迎人,笑容可掬。。由于他喜欢戴上发带,所以大家都叫她“HairbandGirl”。。可爱吧?? 最后要隆重介绍一下我的干巴帝,阿乐思。他真的超可爱的!!选择他的原因是我想有个人跟我顶嘴还不错嘛!真的笔墨难以形容,不认识他的人还以为他是很静的人,跟他比较熟了就会发觉他并不是你想象的那种人,简直是天渊之别!不过我就是喜欢他这种不掩饰、不伪装的个性。我觉得跟这种“天真无邪”的人闹在一块绝对是零负担的。 我深信这三位巴帝将是我人生的小小插曲。希望我们都能成为好巴帝,也能成为能一起聊心事的知己。。希望巴帝们有什么事都可以向我诉苦还是分享,即使我帮不到什么,至少我能成为你们忠实的听众。对吧?嘻嘻~~ 最后,还是祝福我们四人能够顺利地度过五年的难关,成为对社会有贡献的出色医生。这五年的路并不易走,让我们手牵着手,肩并着肩一起朝向梦想前进!!加油吧!巴帝们!!前面崎岖不平的路还等着我们去闯呢!Gambateh!!

